Procurement Complaints Management Policy


This policy describes the Victoria Police approach to managing complaints raised relating to a procurement activity.

To maintain high standards of probity, complaints need to be handled in accordance with Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) policy requirements and in a consistent, fair and transparent manner.


Complaints in the area of procurement can be broadly categorised as:

Process complaints

Examples of process complaints include:

  • insufficient time provided to respond
  • tender receipting or late tender handling
  • issues with evaluation criteria or procedures
  • issues escalated from unanswered tenderer questions, or
  • inclusion or exclusion of parties under selective processes, debriefing unsuccessful tenderers.

People complaints

People complaints can include complaints originating from people within Victoria Police or external to Victoria Police.

Examples of people complaints may include:

  • allegations of conflict of interest that may have impacted on an evaluation process
  • unfairly biased behaviour
  • inappropriate behaviour, or
  • corrupt behaviour.

The Procurement Division has the responsibility to manage Victoria Police complaints in accordance with VGPB guidelines.

The focus of the complaints management is to:

  • manage complaints in an efficient manner
  • reduce commercial risk to Victoria Police
  • maintain high standards of probity
  • ensure complaints are handled in a:
    • consistent
    • fair, and
    • transparent manner.

To demonstrate impartiality when investigating a complaint, the person managing the complaint needs appropriate knowledge of procurement policies and relevant processes. They must not be directly involved in the subject matter of the complaint.

The Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) can at their discretion delegate complaint management to any person who is not the subject of the complaint, or a key participant or decision maker in the relevant sourcing process.

Please email for more advice.

Timelines for managing complaints

  • Step 1

    Complainant lodges a complaint in the prescribed form (letter or email) as noted in the organisation's complaint management system.

  • Step 2

    Within five working days

    Organisation acknowledges receipt of complaint. Acknowledgement indicates as a minimum:

    • Contact person
    • Process to be taken by organisation
    • Approximate timeline to address the matter.
  • Step 3

    Does the organisation require additional information from the complainant?

    If yes, extension of time based on number of working days between the request for, and receipt of, additional information.

  • Step 4

    Does the organisation require the services of external parties to advise on elements of the complaint?

    If yes, extension of time based on number of working days between the request for, and receipt of, advice sought.

  • Step 5

    Organisation addresses complaint and informs complainant of findings and whether it intends to take any further action within 20 working days.

  • Step 6

    Does complainant accept the finding?

    If yes, end of process.

    If no, go to step 7.

  • Step 7

    Complainant chooses to pursue matter with the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB).

    Within five working days, organisation informs the VGPB of any complaint that could not be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.
