Reporting missing registered sex offenders

Learn about how to report a missing registered sex offender through Crime Stoppers and the details they will need.

Reporting information to Victoria Police

You should never approach, contact or attempt to apprehend a missing registered sex offender.

How to report

If anyone is in immediate danger, or a crime is currently occurring, or you need police attendance, please call police on Triple Zero (000).

If there is no immediate danger and you have seen, had contact with, or know the whereabouts of a missing registered sex offender listed on this site, you can report your information to Crime Stoppers Victoria using their online reporting tool or by calling them on 1800 333 000.

Information to report

In making a report, please provide the below details about the offender:

  • where you saw them
  • when you saw them
  • their appearance
  • any other information regarding their movements or behaviour.
