Beach and waterways safety

Learn more about staying safe at the beach, when fishing or at rivers and creeks.

This page contains information and safety tips on how to stay safe at the beach and waterways across Victoria.

Beach safety

While enjoying a day at the beach, always remember to:

  • swim between the red and yellow flags
  • swim with a friend.

Always supervise children around water. Keep in mind:

  • 20 seconds is all it takes for a child to drown
  • for every toddler who drowns, another 10 are hospitalised, some left with permanent disabilities
  • always keep children under 5 years old within arm's reach
  • always keep children 10 years of age and younger in your line of sight.

If you are not feeling comfortable in the water, you can alert a lifeguard to assist you back to shore by:

  • Staying calm, raising your arm in the air and waving it from side to side. This will attract the attention of a lifeguard who will be able to come to your assistance.
  • Conserving your energy by floating on your back and staying calm. This will ensure you have the energy to remain afloat until assistance arrives.


Enjoy a safe fishing adventure at all:

  • banks
  • shores
  • piers
  • platforms.

To stay safe, we recommend you use the following checklist:

  • check water and weather conditions before you go
  • always tell friends or family of your plans, where you are going and when you will be returning
  • never fish alone, always fish with a friend
  • wear a personal flotation device and carry safety gear and a first aid kit
  • wear appropriate clothing with non-slip soles
  • watch the water at all times as conditions can change dramatically in a short time.

Rivers and creeks

While spending time at a river, creek or dam:

  • check the weather forecast at on the Bureau of Meteorology website and watch for changing conditions
  • read safety signs to understand dangers
  • wear a life jacket when boating
  • drink alcohol responsibly around water and other water activities
  • always swim with a friend
  • learn how to save a life by doing a CPR or a first aid course
  • be aware of unstable edges on river banks, dam banks and lakes
  • remember that inland waterways have many hidden dangers such as submerged objects, debris and strong currents
  • be aware of the effects of cold water on your body
  • never overestimate your abilities and never underestimate the risks
  • be prepared for unexpected falls into water
  • refresh your water safety skills including personal survival techniques, swimming skills and water safety knowledge.

Visit Royal Life Saving Australia's river safety page to find out more.
