Water safety

Learn how to stay safe around water and report marine accidents.

Preparation when operating a vessel is the key to ensuring that your voyage runs smoothly.

Learn about how to keep yourself, your crew and others safe on the water.

In an emergency

Always call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.

If you require police attendance for marine incidents including Personal Water Craft (PWC) complaints, call Triple Zero (000).

For all other enquiries and general advice, contact the Water Police Office on (03) 9399 7500.

Make sure you know what to do in the event of:

Reviewing and practising emergency procedures should be part of your boating habits. For more information, visit Safe Transport Victoria.

Reporting marine incidents and accidents

Under the Marine Safety Act, reportable marine incidents include:

  • the loss or presumed loss of a vessel
  • a collision with another vessel or object
  • grounding, sinking or flooding
  • a capsized vessel
  • fire
  • a structural failure or loss of stability
  • close quarters
  • a person overboard
  • a vessel becoming disabled and requiring assistance
  • the fouling or damaging of any pipeline, submarine cable, lighthouse, lightship, beacon, buoy or marine mark.

The Marine Safety Act requires the master to provide the following details to the police present at the scene:

  • the name and address of the master
  • the name and address of the owner of the vessel
  • the registration or survey number of the vessel.

The master must report full details at the closest police station as soon as possible in the following events:

  • any property is damaged or destroyed, and the owner, the owner's representative or police are not present
  • a person is injured and no police members are present.

Safety equipment

It is essential to carry the right safety equipment and know how to use it.

You must not operate a recreational vessel unless all required safety equipment is on board. They must be easy to reach, and well-maintained and serviced.

Everyone on board must know what safety equipment is carried, where it is stored and how it works.

Carrying safety equipment is no substitute for proper preparation. Always conduct a check of your safety equipment when planning a trip.

The equipment you need on Victorian waters varies according to:

  • the type of vessel you are operating
  • the type of waterway you are on
  • your distance from shore.

For a full list of the minimum safety equipment that must be carried onboard, visit the Safe Transport Victoria website.


When operating on coastal and enclosed waters, recreational vessels must carry:

  • two hand-held red distress flares, and
  • two hand-held orange smoke signal flares.

Find out more about flares and the disposal of expired flares.

Lifejacket safety

It is a legal requirement on all but a few recreational vessels in Victoria to carry lifejackets on board.

There must be a lifejacket for each person on board. They must also be the right size and type for each person. They must be stored or placed to allow quick and easy access, and be in good working condition.

Lifejacket laws are enforced by marine authorities. Penalties apply if occupants are not wearing lifejackets when required. Penalties can also apply to the owner and masters of vessels.

Adhere to lifejacket laws by ensuring:

  • you are wearing the correct lifejacket type at all times
  • your lifejacket meets the required standards
  • you have enough lifejackets for everyone on board, and they are correctly maintained.

Fire prevention and control

Recreational vessels must carry fire protection equipment in accordance with the Marine Safety Regulations.
