National Terrorism Threat Advisory System

Learn about the National Terrorism Advisory System, and how to report suspicious activity.

​​​​​​​​​​The National Terrorism Threat Advisory System provides advice about the likelihood of an act of terrorism in Australia. It uses a scale of five threat levels: not expected, possible, probable, expected, and certain.

Australia's current National Terrorism Threat Level is probable.

The probable level advises there is a greater than fifty per cent chance of an onshore attack or attack planning in the next twelve months.

About the National Terrorism Threat Level

The National Terrorism Threat Level acts as a warning tool for government agencies. It enables them to respond with:

  • national threat preparedness, and
  • response planning.

This ensures that there is an appropriate level of precaution and vigilance.

The threat level can also help inform the safety measures individuals and businesses take.

The Australian Government regularly reviews our security environment. Whenever they make a change to the threat level, they will explain why.

For information about the current threat level, visit the Australian National Security website.

Report suspicious activity

If you are aware of possible signs of terrorism or see any suspicious behaviour, make an immediate report to the National Security Hotline(opens in a new window) on 1800 123 400.

Every piece of information is treated seriously, and it could be vital in preventing a terrorist act.

The hotline also provides information on a wide range of national security matters.
