Service delivery consultation

How Victoria Police work with the community and partners to improve our processes and services.

We engage with the community through surveys, workshops and town halls. This allows us to hear your honest feedback about what is working, and where our services can improve.

Community consultation

We have committed to transforming the services we deliver to the Victorian community by 2026. A key part of this is the work being done by the Service Delivery Transformation Command.

The first important step in transformation is to review our current services and processes. This means seeking feedback to guide our work from different groups including:

  • the community
  • our partners
  • our workforce.

This feedback will help shape our service priorities and provide a baseline from which we can measure improvement.

Community Sentiment Survey 2024 findings

The 2024 Victoria Police Community Sentiment Survey ran from 1 to 31 May 2024.

Victorians participated in the survey to share safety concerns in their local area, and how comfortable they feel about approaching police and protective services officers in non-emergency situations.

We received over 13,000 responses. This helped us identify issues that matter most to Victorians.

Key safety concerns

The top four safety concerns in 2024 remained the same as those reported in 2022 and 2023, with the order slightly changing each year.

This year, the ‘serious and organised crime’ theme ranked fifth, replacing the ‘cybercrime and online safety’ category from 2023 and ‘family violence’ from the 2022 survey.

Top five community safety concerns 2024:

  1. Safety in public places
  2. Safety of my property and possessions
  3. Drugs and alcohol
  4. Road safety
  5. Serious and organised crime.

Top five community safety concerns 2023:

  1. Safety in public places
  2. Safety of my property and possessions
  3. Road safety
  4. Drugs and alcohol
  5. Cybercrime or online safety.

Most common responses about how to improve community safety:

  • Increased police presence
  • More patrols
  • Improving community environments, such as better lighting on streets/more CCTV.

What’s next

Local police will implement a number of initiatives over the next 12 months to help improve community safety in line with the Neighbourhood Policing Model.

Follow your local Victoria Police Eyewatch Facebook page for updates about how police will address your safety concerns.

Submit your feedback

If you have something you want to raise with our Service Delivery Transformation Command, please email and let us know your service delivery ideas.
