Strategy Resource Plan

To comply with the Act and demonstrate material progress towards sustainable gender equality, Victoria Police has committed to an ambitious set of actions. We have developed a Strategy Resource Plan which outlines how we will deliver these actions.

Responsibility for the actions in the plan will be shared across key commands and departments. HRC will provide ongoing coordination, support and expertise.

The first Equal, Safe and Strong action plan spans three financial years as depicted below.

Existing resources will be relied upon in the remainder of the 2021–2022 financial year to ensure appropriate project planning and preparatory work. For the financial years spanning 2022–2024, dedicated resources will acquit the actions and ensure they achieve their intended impact.

Figure 7: The first Equal, Safe and Strong action plan spans three financial years

  • Download 'Figure 7: The first Equal, Safe and Strong action plan spans three financial years'

A strong governance framework will provide the leadership and resourcing to drive implementation of the action plan. This framework consists of three mechanisms:

Gender Equality Outcomes Committee (GEOC)

GEOC is chaired by the Assistant Commissioner of HRC and comprises the Executive Directors and Assistant Commissioners responsible for delivering the actions to implement Equal, Safe and Strong.

GEOC meets quarterly to oversee progress, monitor accountability and strengthen a shared sense of ownership to gender equality outcomes.

Gender Equality Outcomes Working Group (GEOWG)

The GEOWG is chaired by HRC and comprises of senior managers from commands and departments accountable for the actions.

The working group will meet quarterly to advise on progress against milestones and identify opportunities for alignment and collaboration across the organisation.

Command/departmental working group

Each accountable senior manager will chair a dedicated working group within their own command and department to drive the implementation of their actions with their project owners.

HRC will be represented at each working group to provide expertise in support of implementation.
