Counter Terrorism Command

The Counter Terrorism Command (CTC) stands at the fore of Victoria Police’s counter terrorism efforts.

Established in 2015, it represents a significant consolidation of Victoria Police’s diverse counter terrorism functions.

It is primarily responsible for the prevention of, and response to, terrorist events and communal violence within the state, as well as the development and maintenance of counter terrorism capability across Victoria Police.

It is comprised of a range of specialist police and Victorian public servants, including investigators and tactical and strategic intelligence analysts, subject-matter experts and mental health specialists.

While CTC undertakes the majority of Victoria Police’s preventative and disruptive counter terrorism activities and carries the primary responsibilities, other areas of the organisation also provide a critical supporting role.

From our frontline members who play an important part in gathering intelligence, to our more specialised areas who may be required to respond to threatened or actual attacks, counter terrorism is an organisation-wide responsibility.

CTC’s activities are closely aligned and coordinated with our Victorian, inter-state and Commonwealth partners.

From the development of policy to measures intended to enhance our operational capability, we are involved in a range of committees and bodies.

This includes the Australia-New Zealand Counter Terrorism Committee (ANZCTC) and its various sub-committees and advisory groups, whilst at the Victorian level we work closely with many government departments and are involved in bodies such as the Security and Emergency Management Committee of Cabinet (SEMC) and the State Crisis and Resilience Council (SCRC).

Victoria Police Counter Terrorism activities and partnerships

Counter Terrorism Command

Supported by:

  • Other Victoria Police Commands and Departments, including Crime Command, Intelligence & Covert Support Command, Transit & Public Safety Command
  • Regional operations/frontline policing
  • Victorian, interstate & Commonwealth governments
  • Commonwealth and state agencies including Australian Federal Police (AFP), Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and Australia Border Force (ABF)
  • Interjurisdictional bodies such as the Australia-New Zealand Counter Terrorism Committee (ANZCTC)
  • International engagement and liaison, including Five Eyes Intelligence Community
  • Academia
  • Community.


Key actions:

  • Community Integration Support Program (CISP)
  • Network for Intervention and Tailored Engagement (NITE)
  • Victorian Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (VFTAC).


Key actions:

  • Security Investigation Unit (SIU)
  • Joint Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT)
  • Dedicated legal advice.


Key actions:

  • Victoria Police SHIELD
  • Crowded Places Network
  • Counter Terrorism Protective Security Network (CTPSN)
  • Behavioural Observation and Suspicious Activity Recognition (BOSAR).


Key actions:

  • Exercising and training
  • Rapid deployment of critical incident response capabilities from across Victoria Police.
