Two female police officers are walking down the street at night. They are facing away from us, and you can clearly read their high vis vests marked 'Police'. The street is brightly lit and you can see some graffiti on the wall next to them.

Priority area: Reduce road trauma

Corporate Plan 2022–2023 - Annual Plan - Reduce road trauma icon

Reduce road trauma

Road collisions affect every part of our community. They can have devastating effects on individuals and families.

Victoria Police will continue to collaborate with our road safety partners and users of Victorian roads to:

  • monitor and improve driver behaviour
  • educate the community
  • reduce death and serious injury on our roads.

We will maximise police presence on our roads to target high risk driving behaviours that contribute to the road toll and road collisions. These behaviours include:

  • impaired driving
  • speeding
  • not wearing seatbelts
  • fatigue
  • driver distraction.

We will also focus on people who use the roads for work or at work, and people who are at higher risk of being injured.

We will increase police presence on the roads to keep road users as safe as possible during traditional peak periods for road trauma, such as school and public holidays.

Critical to detection and deterrence are Victoria Police alcohol and drug testing vehicles. We will continue to target road users impaired by alcohol or other drugs through daily operations. These will be highly visible on highways, country roads and local streets.

Victoria Police actions to reduce road trauma

Victoria Police will help ensure all Victorians feel safe on and around our roads through:

  • enhancing our road policing capabilities
  • enforcing road safety laws.

Victoria Police will support and focus on the Victoria Police Road Safety Strategy 2021-2024 to keep our community safe on our roads.
