What are we talking about?

Understanding CALD

The phrase CALD is a broad term used to describe communities with diverse languages, ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, traditions, societal structures and religions.2

Victoria Police defines CALD people as those who exhibit one or more of the attributes listed below and are born overseas or with at least one parent born overseas in countries other than those classified as “main English-Speaking Countries (MESC)", but including the indigenous peoples of South Africa, Canada and America, the Maori, the Celtics, and other communities that are marginally represented by proportion in the Victoria Police workforce when compared to the census data on population for Victoria.3

  • ethnic heritage
  • language spoken at home other than English
  • culture/traditions as indicated by country of birth (self/parent) and religion.4


Being CALD is only one aspect of a person’s identity.

CALD people are diverse within their own experiences of ethnic heritage, languages spoken and cultures, but are also diverse in other ways. This might include their gender identity, sexual orientation, refugee or asylum seeker background, migration or visa status, faith, ability, age, mental health, socioeconomic status, housing status or geographic location.

People within CALD communities who live with other forms of discrimination can experience compounded inequality.

Where are we at for CALD inclusion?

Victoria Police participates in the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s People Matter Survey. The survey provides valuable insight into our culture and safety from employee perspectives.

In 2021, 6,889 Victoria Police employees responded to the People Matter Survey.5

People Matter Survey responses to "There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees from varied cultural backgrounds"

People Matter Survey responses to "Cultural background is not a barrier to success in my organisation"

In 2021, Victoria Police’s primary human resources IT system was enhanced to capture data about each employee’s sex, gender, sexuality, languages, culture, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status and if a person has a disability.

CALD employees: Head count June 2018 to June 2022

HR Assist - Prepared by: Workforce Reporting and Analysis, HRC, 2022

The Victoria Police Diversity Report data June 2022

The Victoria Police Workforce Diversity Report shows that as at 30 June 2022:

  • 93 languages are spoken by our employees
  • The top main non-English language spoken by employees is Hindi (198 employees)
  • Our employees are from 110 countries
  • 15.56% of employees are CALD
  • 14.34% of women employees are CALD
  • 16.23% of men employees are CALD.

2 Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria 2012, ECCV Glossary of Terms, viewed 14 April 2022, https://eccv.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2-ECCV_Glossary_of_Terms…
3 There is a separate Aboriginal Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan for the Indigenous Peoples of Australia.
4 Victoria Police (2018), 2018–2021 CALD Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan, Victoria.
5 Rounding of percentages: People Matter Survey round numbers up or down to their nearest whole percentage. This means some percentages may not add up to 100 per cent.
