Privacy and confidentiality

Victoria Police is committed to maintaining your privacy and safety.

When a family violence incident or sexual assault is reported against an employee of Victoria Police, the investigator is required to record this information.

The information collected is stored on a secure police database. Whilst this database is accessible to police officers, it is auditable and accountable. Unauthorised access will result in the police officer being prosecuted criminally.

Victoria Police will investigate and prosecute any Victoria Police employee who accesses information or discloses information unlawfully. This includes the disclosure of any information that breaches your privacy or confidentiality.

Action will also be undertaken where Victoria Police employees do anything to endanger you in support of the perpetrator. If you believe your information has been wrongfully accessed or leaked, you can make a report to your investigator or the Police Conduct Unit, Professional Standards Command.

The Family Violence Information Sharing and Child Information Sharing Schemes

The Family Violence Information Sharing and Child Information Sharing Schemes allow your information to be shared to manage a range of wellbeing and safety needs. This includes managing risks for children, family members and individuals.

For information sharing guidelines, visit the Victorian Government website.

Your investigator will inform you when a referral for support or wellbeing assistance is being made, so you are aware that a support service will be in contact to see how they can help.

SOFVU Confidential Investigations

In some circumstances, SOFVU may need to delay recording information about your circumstances on their usual police databases. This only occurs to improve the safety of those involved or to protect information or investigation planning.

This means we will wait until we have investigated further before we record the matter formally, however a SOFVU investigator will still be taking action and we will only undertake confidential investigations in this way with your consent.

As part of the services provided by SOFVU for confidential investigations, we refer you and any children to our SOFVU Witness Support Unit to ensure you have any support and well-being needs met.

If you feel your confidentiality has been breached, a complaint can be made to the Police Conduct Unit or to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).

Victoria Police will not tolerate breaches of privacy and will thoroughly investigate and prosecute any identified breach of privacy and confidentiality.
