Watch: Police training and exam preparation videos

Prepare for the recruitment process and police exam.

Improve your chance of success with videos that walk you through the police recruitment process and Victoria Police entrance examination.

Be sure to check the full recruitment process for police officers before applying.

Your application will not succeed if you don't fully understand the process and preparation information.

Recruitment process and preparation videos

Before you submit your application, make sure you are familiar with the recruitment process.

Recruitment process: Be informed video

This video explains what’s involved in applying to join Victoria Police to help applicants better prepare.

Recruitment process: Disclosure video

This video explains what’s involved in applying to join Victoria Police to help applicants better prepare.

Recruitment process: Tips for success video

This video explains what’s involved in applying to join Victoria Police to help applicants better prepare.

The Victoria Police entrance exam preparation videos

There will be an entrance exam that is made up of eight sections.

Applicants must successfully pass all components of the entrance exam prior to progressing to the next phase of the selection process.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Verbal reasoning tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Verbal Reasoning component to help applicants better prepare.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Numeracy tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Numeracy Component to help applicants better prepare.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Abstract reasoning tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Abstract Reasoning component to help applicants better prepare.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Literacy skills tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Literacy Skills component to help applicants better prepare.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Summary writing tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Summary Writing Component to help applicants better prepare.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Extended writing tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Extended Writing Component to help applicants better prepare.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Oral communication tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Oral Communication component to help applicants better prepare.

Victoria Police entrance exam: Digital literacy tutorial

This tutorial explains in detail what’s involved in the Digital Literacy component to help applicants better prepare.

Fitness training: Download the POLICE FIT app

The POLICE FIT app is a free training tool exclusive to Victoria Police.

Download the POLICE FIT app via the App Store or Google Play and start your training today.

Further preparation: The Psychological Gateway

What to expect as part of Victoria Police’s psychological gateway testing.
