Victoria Police Academy and police training

The Police Foundation Training Program, Academy life, and your Diploma of Policing.

Your career as a police officer starts as a paid recruit at the Victoria Police Academy, taking part in the Police Foundation Training Program.

This program, combined with further training and placements, prepares you for life as a police officer.

Earn while you learn

As a police recruit, you are paid from your very first day of training.

Your training wage is competitive, and after being sworn in as a probationary constable week 12, your wage can include allowances, shift penalties and overtime payments.

Learn more about the police officer salaries, leave, benefits and hours.

Types and length of training

Your training is broken up into two parts:

  • the initial Police Foundation Training Program (weeks 1 - 31)
  • further placements and Diploma of Policing (weeks 32 to 116).

This training is undertaken over the first two years and 13 weeks of your employment.

A shared experience

The police officer training experience is comprehensive, challenging and extremely rewarding. It provides you with an opportunity to create ongoing bonds with your fellow recruits and peers.

Your time at the Academy will allow you to learn and grow with people that share your values and goals, while learning about a range of subjects and developing skills that are unique to policing.

Together you share an experience that builds a sense of camaraderie. Most recruits make lifelong friends throughout the training process, and continue to do so throughout their career.

A group of Victoria Police recruits are having lunch together in the cafeteria at the Victoria Police Academy. There is a big group of them sharing a table in uniform, chatting and smiling.

Life at the Academy

Klint formed close-knit relationships at the Academy, and learnt about the different possibilities that police work has to offer.

Police Foundation Training Program

The Police Foundation Training Program makes up your first 31 weeks of training. The training is completed at the Victoria Police Academy in Glen Waverley.

This training is a full-time, structured program. You must attend the entire training in person.

You can choose to live with your fellow recruits at the Academy during this time.

Victoria Police recruits take a class at the Academy. There is an instructor standing at the front of the classroom, speaking to them as they take notes at their desks.

Training schedule

The Program involves 31 weeks of structured training from the Academy.


After successfully completing all the assessment requirements during the 31 weeks, you will graduate from the Academy.

You and your fellow recruits march out from the Victoria Police Academy in a formal graduation ceremony and celebration.

Two recruits in dress uniform hug each other at a Victoria Police graduation ceremony at the Academy.

Victoria Police Academy stories

Real recruits talk about training, culture, and life at the Victoria Police Academy.

Victoria Police Academy: Polly's Story

Polly learnt how Academy-life brought together people of all ages and backgrounds to support each other, learn, and get the job done.

Victoria Police Academy: Daniel's Story

Daniel has had the 'best experience' over his 31 weeks at the Academy with his squad.

Victoria Police Academy: Kristina's Story

Kristina started Academy training with an open mind and left ready to kick start her police career.

Post-Academy placements and deployment

Ongoing training and future roles

This initial training and getting your Diploma of Policing is only the beginning.

You will continue job-specific training throughout your whole career.

You may be deployed to any Victorian location determined by operational needs upon appointment.

After a period of general duties, there are a range of specialist roles and areas you can explore.

The Victoria Police Academy

Recruits will complete their first 31 weeks of training at the Victoria Police Academy. You must attend the entire training in person.

Inside the halls of the Victoria Police Academy. There is a high arched ceiling with an art deco feel,  black and white tiled floors, pictures down one wall and on the other side, large pane glass windows looking out into the garden.


The Victoria Police Academy is located at 1 View Mount Road, Glen Waverley, VIC, 3150.

Accommodation and costs

It is not compulsory to live at the Academy while you are training.

However, you can access dormitory-style accommodation if you live more than 40 km away, or prefer to live in.

Academy accommodation includes:

  • meals from Monday to Friday
  • computer access
  • extensive physical training facilities
  • an environment to study.

Recruits staying at the Academy during training need to pay a fee. The cost is $501.40 per fortnight.

Recreational leave and weekends

We encourage recruits to have a healthy work-life balance while in the Academy. You will have 2 weeks of recreational leave during training, during which time you can return home.

You cannot take any extra leave during training. The training program is designed to ensure your success within a set time and it will take all your dedication to succeed.

If you are staying at the Academy during your training, you will able to return home on the weekends.

COVID-19 vaccinations

While no longer mandatory, Victoria Police strongly recommends all recruits and employees remain up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations.

Bachelor of Criminology and Policing

If you'd prefer to combine a university degree with training to be a police officer, check out the new Bachelor of Criminology and Policing.

Victoria Police and Monash University have partnered to develop this course as a unique new pathway to becoming a police officer.
