Farm Crime Liaison Officers

Our dedicated Farm Crime Liaison Officers (FCLOs) specialise in investigating livestock theft and farm-related crime.

Farm Crime Liaison Officers (FCLOs) work across Victoria to assist with farm-related crimes.

Role of Farm Crime Liaison Officers (FCLOs)

The role of an FCLO is to:

  • oversee farm crime and livestock theft investigations where required
  • provide advice and assistance to police officers
  • establish and maintain relationships with farming partners
  • engage with the farming community
  • encourage the farming community to report livestock theft and rural crime
  • maintain knowledge of local trends and issues, and
  • engage with partners to identify and mitigate risks in farming practice.

Contact a Farm Crime Liaison Officer

To get in contact with an FCLO, speak to a police officer at the following locations.

Report a farm crime

Police need your help to identify offenders. If we don’t know about it, we can’t act.

Learn how to report farm crime or suspicious activity.

Divisional Firearms Officers

Divisional Firearms Officers (DFOs) work in Victoria Police regions to support the firearms community and ensure safe storage and use of firearms.

They conduct inspections of firearm storage in the regions and provide advice about firearm disposal and recovery.

To get in contact with your local DFO, visit the Divisional Firearms Officers page.
