Victoria Police Real Stories: First Constable Andrew Moreton

For 20 years Andrew had focused on climbing the corporate ladder and had forged a successful career in finance and sales. While he was achieving everything he had set out to at the beginning of his career, he wasn’t fulfilled and was desperately craving a job that gave him a sense of purpose.

Video transcript

I always knew I wanted to work with young people. I think, because I'm a parent at the end of the day, so I know what it is to manage young people.

I work in a proactive unit, so our aim is to disrupt and prevent youth crime.

So, we work in primary schools, secondary schools, local community groups such as the councils. We work the YMCA and local football clubs, and we try and get the youths off the streets and doing something productive and give them positive role models.

I particularly also like the fact that it proactive, so we're trying to get ahead of that Triple Zero (000) call and trying to prevent crime from occurring in the first place. Sometimes we get pupils that are causing issues either in the school or out of school or both.

I recall one incident where we arrive at the school and then we deal with a pupil and I looked at him and just said, “you look incredibly sad and frustrated. Tell me about that.”

And I remember he just looked at me in the eye and started to cry and then started to open up about his story in terms of how he'd arrived at this particular place. And from there, we could really understand how we could help him and then agree a plan with the school to get him back on track.

In my previous roles, I led a corporate life. I worked in sales, I worked in finance, I worked innovation and operations.

And I was really trying to climb the corporate ladder in search for money. But I felt it wasn't giving me enough. It wasn’t giving me that sense of meaning and purpose and that's why I joined Victoria Police, because ultimately, I was bored, and I was searching for something fresh and a new challenge.

What I actually find now, however, is that it gave me a new lease of life. I feel born again.

So if someone's considering a career in Victoria Police, it's never too late. I'm 48 years old. I joined three years ago, and I've really found it an immensely rewarding experience.

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